WPX Hosting Review – The BEST Managed Hosting For WordPress?

In this review, I take a look under the hood of one of the top WordPress hosts on the market: WPX Hosting.

I’ve been using WPX Hosting for the better part of the past 5 years now, they currently host over 20 of my websites and have been the best support amongst the dozens of WordPress hosts I have tried, by far.

In this review, I want to give you a rundown of exactly what the platform is all about, how you can use it, who runs it, why I think it’s one of the best hosting providers out there and how you might be able to snag yourself a discount along the way!

WPX Hosting Review TL;DR

  • Best Customer Support In WP Hosting
  • Top 3 Fastest WP Host
  • Best Value For Money WP Host
  • Free Email, CDN + Site Migration

You can signup for WPX Hosting here, using my affiliate link.

Get 75% Off Your First Month With Code: CHARLES

Table of Contents [show]

What Is WPX Hosting?

WPX Hosting is a managed WordPress web hosting service provider from Bulgaria, that was founded in 2013 by Terry Kyle.

A screenshot of the WPX.net homepage, taken by me on the 18th of August, 2022.
The WPX Hosting Homepage

They have been at the forefront of the industry for customer support and site load time, being amongst the best (if not the best) for speed.

If there’s one thing I am certain of, you won’t be complaining about how fast your sites are loading once you decide to make the move on over.

Who Is Terry Kyle?

Terry is an Australian entrepreneur and one of the longest-serving names in SEO.

I personally have been a fan for close to 15 years as of writing this post.

He has been the founder and CEO of –

  • WPX Hosting
  • Traffic Planet Forum
  • Bluechip Backlinks
  • Terry Kyle SEO Agency
  • Monster Truck SEO
  • SEO Hero School

As well as founding his own charity in Bulgaria called Every Dog Matters.

He founded WPX with the goal of becoming both the fastest WordPress host in the world, as well as offering the best customer service across the industry – And in my opinion, he has accomplished at least one of those goals and is closing in on the other.

My WPX Hosting Review

I am not writing this review like most of the other sites that have covered WPX so far, as they’re mostly in it for the affiliate commissions and had only ever heard of the service before when they looked into writing the review or were told to so.

I’ve been a paying customer of WPX for half a decade, and have recommended them for the entirety of that time without benefiting directly myself – So I thought it was only right that I finally do so with this review.

First I’ll go through all of the features, the free bonuses you get as a WPX customer, the best-in-class support service and finally I’ll look at the uptime, downtime and any additional issues I have to flag with the host.


You get access to a lot more features than your average host, such as –

  • Free Speed Optimization (Including Premium W3 Total Cache Plugin)
  • Free Content-Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Free Malware Analysis and Removal

Load Time

When we tested a standard WordPress installation with a few additional plugins, WPX Hosting managed to achieve an average load time of under 0.5s across all 5 continents we tested.

As I have a lot of actual sites hosted with WPX, here are is a real world site that has a heavy amount of plugins and theme customization on the it –

A Load Time Test From GTMetrix

You’ll notice the site achieves close to under a 1s load time which is impressive considering I have done little to no load time optimization whatsoever.

FREE Site Migration

One of the best benefits of becoming a WPX customer is that they will move your websites from other hosts for free, and make sure the WordPress installation is set up correctly.

This should give you peace of mind when looking at moving an important site over to a different host because I’ve never heard of them going wrong when doing one and they have a perfect track record migrating my sites.

FREE Email Service

Unlike most other hosts where you have to pay for additional inbox space and SMTP setup, everything for your email exchange is covered for free and the customer service team is also trained in handling any email service issues you might have as well.

Customer Service

When I say that WPX.net has the best customer service support team in the WordPress hosting market, it’s because I truly mean it.

They have gone above and beyond on every ticket I have ever raised, all have a truly deep understanding of WordPress and have been able to quickly solve any problems I’ve had within 15 minutes.

Usually, by the time I’ve sent the ticket and checked my inbox, they’ve replied to it already – I’m not joking when I say my average reply time to a ticket from WPX Hosting is 2.5 minutes.


I have never experienced downtime with any of my sites directly.

WPX Hosting Status + Uptime/Downtime Report

They have experienced downtime (For seconds or minutes at a time) when I haven’t been actively working on or visiting them, but the uptime is well above 99.99% and as you can see from the image above, SaaSHub claims a 100% UpTime in the past 30 days with the last outage being reported 3 months ago.

Additional Issues

We have had several issues with WPX’s CDN and caching services and some server-based ones, however as the quality and speed of response from the customer service is so high – It’s never been over a 15-minute problem for us to fix.

However, I can see how larger sites that potentially have hundreds of real-time users at any one point could find these issues to be a concern when looking for a service provider to choose to host their site.

WPX Pricing Plans

You can signup via 3 different plans, or contact WPX hosting directly to get a custom plan for projects larger than what the site offers.

The WPX Hosting Price Plans

You can also pay annually, which means you only have to pay for 10 months of service as the last 2 months are added on for free.

The annual rates are $249.99, $499.00 and $999.00 respectively.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you aren’t totally satisfied with your experience or the service you’ve been given then WPX offers a no-questions-asked 30 day money-back guarantee to all of its customers.

Though I have never heard of a single soul actually claiming it, as most people are happy and continue paying.

Promo Discount Code

I have requested that WPX hosting give me a custom coupon code, so that you can get a discount on the hosting packages they offer . They have agreed to do this, and will send me the coupon code. Once I receive it and verify that it works, I will post it here on my website for anyone who wants to use it.

WPX vs. Competitors

There are several good hosts that give just as reliable load times and managed hosting for WordPress sites, that being said, there are none that seemingly match the customer service expertise level and response time that you get when you use WPX.net

Whilst there are competitors, I wouldn’t say there are any that can match the # of sites you get, the level of support and the price you pay for it all.

WPX Alternatives

There are several good hosts that give just as reliable load times and managed hosting for WordPress sites –

  • CloudWays
  • Kinsta
  • FlyWheel
  • SiteGround
  • A2Hosting

That being said, there are none that seemingly match the customer service expertise level and response time that you get when you use WPX.net

One of the only other companies I can recommend is one I’ve already reviewed, which is WPEngine.

Do You Get Value For Money?

I believe that WPX Hosting offers the best value for money of any WordPress host on the internet, and most providers are actually overcharging you for dated platforms and lacklustre customer service.

WPX Hosting FAQs

Where is WPX Hosting Based?

The company is based in Bulgaria, but they have three core data centres:
– London, United Kingdom
– Chicago, United States of America
– Sydney, Australia

What Type of Hosting is WPX?

WPX Hosting is an international, WordPress-only web hosting platform created by Terry Kyle.

Is WPX Shared Hosting?

No, it’s a managed hosting platform which means it is not cheap in comparison to your average shared host.

Does WPX Do Free Hosting?

No, it’s a premium host only but I believe Terry Kyle does offer free hosting to charities.

Why Do You Need A Host For WordPress?

Whilst you can host a blog with WordPress.com, if you want your own custom installation you’ll need a host that allows you to install a copy of the WordPress.org content management system to the site.

Is Managed WordPress Hosting Worth The Extra Fee?

It all depends on if you need the additional features and support that you get from a managed hosting service, that a much cheaper shared one wouldn’t give you.

That being said, WPX makes even managed hosting look affordable as most people could afford to pay $250 a year to host 5 websites – You could even split it between 5 friends and only pay $50 a pop.

Does WPX Hosting Use cPanel?

No, they have a custom interface that is specifically designed to work with WordPress installations and will get you set up with one in under 30 seconds flat.

What is The Difference Between Managed WordPress Hosting and Shared Hosting?

Whilst shared hosts allow you to set up any CMS on the servers, and share your server resources with the same customers on the rest of the server – Which could be hundreds or even thousands.

Whilst managed hosting for WordPress is specifically designed servers that are optimized to get the CMS to load as fast as possible and designate specific resources to each customer’s installations, as well as give 24/7 customer support in case of any emergency you or your site could dream of.

WPX Hosting Review

I review the WordPress hosting company WPX.net, including ordering, setting up your site, customer service, load times, competitors and much more!

Charles Floate

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In this review, I look under the hood of one of the top WordPress hosts on the market: WPX

In my opinion, WPX has the BEST customer support for any WordPress host on the market and has been able to build a platform that is both easy to work with, as well as reliable and stable which are the primary elements you’re looking for in a premium host.

The only reason I am not rating it higher is that we have run into a few issues, and as I stated above it would have been more of a problem later in our business life when we started dealing with much larger traffic volumes.



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